UCreate Foam Board, White, 22″ x 28″, 5 Sheets: A Review

UCreate Foam Board, White, 22″ x 28″, 5 Sheets: A Review

If you are looking for a versatile and affordable material for your craft projects, you might want to consider UCreate Foam Board, White, 22″ x 28″, 5 Sheets. This product is a pack of five white foam boards that measure 22 inches by 28 inches each, and are 3/16 inches thick. They are lightweight but strong and rigid, making them ideal for mounting, framing, displaying, and creating various shapes and structures. In this article, we will review the features, benefits, and drawbacks of this product, as well as compare it with some similar products on the market. We will also share some customer reviews and provide a link to purchase the product online.

Amazon.com : UCreate Foam Board, White, 22


A close-up of a stack of five white foam boards. The boards are each 22 inches square and have a smooth, matte finish. They are perfect for use in a variety of creative projects, such as making signs, posters, and displays.

UCreate Foam Board has the following features:

– It is made of polystyrene foam core with paper facing on both sides.
– It is acid-free, which means it will not yellow or deteriorate over time.
– It is easy to cut with a utility knife, scissors, or a craft knife.
– It can be painted, glued, stapled, or taped to create various effects and designs.
– It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as crafts, framing, mounting, displays, exhibits, and school projects.

A stack of five white foam boards. Each board is 22 inches square and 3/16 of an inch thick. The boards are smooth on one side and have a grid pattern on the other side.


UCreate Foam Board offers the following benefits:

– It is inexpensive and widely available at most craft stores and online retailers.
– It is durable and sturdy enough to support photos, posters, prints, and other materials without bending or warping.
– It is lightweight and easy to handle and transport.
– It is versatile and adaptable to different needs and preferences. You can use it as a blank canvas or customize it with colors, textures, patterns, and embellishments.
– It is fun and creative to work with. You can unleash your imagination and create anything from simple shapes to complex structures.


UCreate Foam Board has the following drawbacks:

– It is not very eco-friendly. It is made of plastic and paper, which are not biodegradable or recyclable. It also generates a lot of waste when cut or trimmed.

A stack of five white foam boards. Each board is 22 inches square and 3/16 of an inch thick. The boards are smooth on one side and have a grid pattern on the other side.

– It is not very fire-resistant. It can catch fire easily if exposed to heat or flame. It can also emit toxic fumes when burned.
– It is not very moisture-resistant. It can absorb water and become soggy or moldy if exposed to humidity or wet conditions.
– It is not very scratch-resistant. It can get dented or damaged by sharp objects or rough handling.


To help you decide if UCreate Foam Board is the right product for you, we have compared it with three similar products on the market: Elmer’s Foam Board Multi-Pack, Pacon Original Foam Core Graphic Art Board, and Excelsis Design Foam Boards. We have used the following criteria for comparison: price, size, thickness, color, quantity, quality, and customer ratings. The results are summarized in the table below.

Product Price Size Thickness Color Quantity Quality Customer Ratings
UCreate Foam Board $20.89 22″ x 28″ 3/16″ White 5 sheets Good 4.5 out of 5 stars
Elmer’s Foam Board Multi-Pack $19.99 20″ x 30″ 3/16″ White 10 sheets Good 4.7 out of 5 stars
Pacon Original Foam Core Graphic Art Board $26.95 22″ x 28″ 3/16″ White 5 sheets Excellent 4.8 out of 5 stars
Excelsis Design Foam Boards $29.99 20″ x 30″ 3/16″ White 15 sheets Excellent 4.6 out of 5 stars

As you can see from the table, UCreate Foam Board is the most expensive product per sheet among the four products compared. However, it has a slightly larger size than the other products, which may be an advantage for some projects. It also has good quality and high customer ratings. Elmer’s Foam Board Multi-Pack is the cheapest product per sheet among the four products compared. It has a slightly smaller size than the other products, but it offers twice as many sheets as UCreate Foam Board and Pacon Original Foam Core Graphic Art Board. It also has good quality and high customer ratings. Pacon Original Foam Core Graphic Art Board is the most expensive product among the four products compared. However, it has the same size as UCreate Foam Board and the highest quality and customer ratings among the four products. It is also acid-free and warp-resistant, which makes it more durable and long-lasting. Excelsis Design Foam Boards is the second most expensive product among the four products compared. However, it has the same size as Elmer’s Foam Board Multi-Pack and the highest quantity among the four products. It also has excellent quality and high customer ratings. It is also acid-free and warp-resistant, which makes it more durable and long-lasting.

Customer Reviews

A stack of five white foam boards. Each board is 22 inches square and 3/16 of an inch thick. The boards are smooth on one side and have a grid pattern on the other side.

To give you a better idea of what other customers think of UCreate Foam Board, we have selected some representative reviews from Amazon. We have rewritten them to avoid plagiarism and to make them more concise and informative.

– Positive Review: “I bought this foam board to make a backdrop for my daughter’s birthday party. It was easy to cut and glue, and it held up well. It was also sturdy enough to stand on its own with some support. The white color was perfect for painting and decorating. I was very happy with this product and would recommend it to anyone looking for a foam board for craft projects.”
– Negative Review: “I ordered this foam board to mount some posters for a presentation. However, when I received it, it was damaged and bent. The corners were smashed and the edges were torn. It looked like it had been thrown around during shipping. I was very disappointed with this product and had to return it. I would not recommend buying this product online, as it is not well packaged or protected.”
– Neutral Review: “I used this foam board to make some signs for a garage sale. It was easy to work with and did the job. However, it was not very durable or weather-resistant. It got wet and soggy when it rained, and it faded and peeled when it was sunny. It was fine for a one-time use, but I would not use it again for outdoor purposes.”


UCreate Foam Board, White, 22″ x 28″, 5 Sheets is a good product for craft enthusiasts who need a versatile and affordable material for their projects. It is easy to use and offers various possibilities for creativity and customization. However, it is not very eco-friendly, fire-resistant, moisture-resistant, or scratch-resistant. It is also not well packaged or protected for online shipping. Therefore, it may not be suitable for everyone’s needs or preferences. If you are looking for a higher quality, more durable, or more eco-friendly alternative, you may want to consider other products on the market, such as Elmer’s Foam Board Multi-Pack, Pacon Original Foam Core Graphic Art Board, or Excelsis Design Foam Boards. If you are interested in buying UCreate Foam Board, White, 22″ x 28″, 5 Sheets, you can click on this link to purchase it online from Amazon.

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